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Abkant CNC 125 Ton – Top Quality Custom Metal Parts

In the age of advanced technology, owning and operating a 125-ton Abkant CNC with a bending length of 3020 mm brings with it several advantages for a metalworking company. Combining the machine’s impressive strength with state-of-the-art CNC technology, this investment proves to be a strategic choice for the efficiency and quality of metal production.

Full control over the Manufacturing Process

  1. In-House Ownership: The fact that the 125-ton CNC Abkant is part of our company’s in-house equipment brings significant benefits. We have full control over the programming, operation, and maintenance of the machine, ensuring that every step of the manufacturing process is handled with the utmost care.
  2. Quick Response to Requirements: Owning our own Abkant CNC, we can respond quickly to customer requirements. Flexibility in machine programming allows us to quickly adapt production to changes in market demand.

Technical Synergy and Operational Efficiency

  1. In-House Expertise: Our technical team benefits from direct expertise on the machine, having a deep understanding of its technical capabilities. This leads to increased operational efficiency and the ability to fully exploit Abkant’s potential.
  2. Adaptability in Complex Projects: The in-house ownership of the machine gives us the advantage to tackle complex projects and produce customized parts with a high degree of precision. This translates into the ability to meet the diverse requirements of our customers.

The various pieces that can be made with the 125-ton Abkant

An Abkant, with its varied capabilities and ability to handle metal materials of various thicknesses, is a versatile tool that can produce a wide range of parts. Here are some examples of parts that can be made with an Abkant:

Bending Boards for Construction:
Metal beams
Supporting pillars
Roof tiles

Auto Components:
Car chassis
Engine mounts
Elements of braking systems

Parts for Industrial Equipment:
Components for industrial machines
Protective panels
Structural elements for heavy machinery

Metal Furniture:
Metal cabinets
Metal tables
Metal decorative elements

Aerospace Components:
Aircraft parts
Aerospace structure elements
Equipment supports

Housings for Machinery and Equipment:
Housings for industrial air conditioning
Housings for various machines
Housings for electronic equipment

Components for Air Conditioning Systems:
Air conditioning ducts
Elements of heat exchangers
Housings and supports for air conditioning units

Decorative and Architectural Elements:
Decorative elements for railings
Architectural ornaments
Decorative grids

Parts for the Naval Industry:
Structural elements for ships
Marine connectors and mounts
Components for nautical equipment

Stainless Steel Furniture Accessories:
Door and drawer handles
Metal legs for furniture
Decorative elements for furniture


Our company’s proprietary 125-ton CNC bender with a bending length of 3020mm becomes not only a metalworking tool, but a strategic element in achieving operational excellence and customer satisfaction. With full control of the manufacturing process, we are able to quickly adapt to changes in the market and offer customized solutions of the highest quality. This investment in technology not only increases our operational efficiency, but also strengthens our position in the industry as leaders in innovation and quality.

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